The Grey Space Gallery
December 1-15, 2022
There has always been a very close connection between art and nature. The awakening to see the world in a mystical state of consciousness. Artists write their own perceptions in their own individual experiences, and it relates to the culture that they are part of. A reconnection of humans and nature and designed to make us think, to shock and provoke, rather than to transform our consciousness of the world.
The sad state of modern art mirrors the worst aspects of our culture, and of ego-consciousness itself - divorced from nature, narcissistic, entangled in theories and concepts, rather than the connection with the present, and the world itself.
Awakening World exhibit is a collection of stories and individual experiences of Ang Naglikha Artists Collective, all holding a certain weight on their art, it is used to teach and heal people and acknowledge themselves on their art.
The work of Chap Saguinsin, Tamara Go, Banwa, Benedict Stacruz, Carpini, Cindy Aquino, Donald Lantingco, Djinn Tallada, and Roman Soleno talks about awakening collective consciousness and manifesting the world disharmony. That is why through their art they collectively discuss their individual journey through their art.
True art is always bigger than the intellect. It always stems from a mysterious transcendent source, rather than from the puny-thinking mind. That's why we need to get rid ourselves of our egos and the many layers that it gives us. We need to acknowledge our privileges and not only do that but realize how they shape our realities in order to combat this disharmony. We must listen to the stories of our brothers and sisters, especially the ones who are still being oppressed in our society and in the world.
Second, we must realize that evolution of consciousness is not a passive process but one that must be that requires actively engaging in hard and often times uncomfortable conversations. Third, we must realize that we are never walking this journey alone now. There is beauty in solitude and being alone however, there is a potential for collectivism to act as a catalyst for healing and growth. Lastly, we must validate ourselves and empower ourselves, and most importantly, we must understand that we are all worthy of all the beauty that this life has to offer.
Einstein reminds us that the world would not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them and do nothing, it must not be forgotten. And that we are living in a reality created for us by our ancestors and all those who live before us, for that reason there should be no limitations or parameters to what we can do and build as a community not only for ourselves but for the future. Everyone's journey is different and there is no one way or path to higher levels of consciousness, and it requires us all to actively engage in doing so and step outside of our comfort zone as much as possible.
As the lyrics of the song by the P.O.D. “The Awakening,” tells us about this notion, “I still, I will follow. Even if there's no one else but me. So let’s live like there’s no tomorrow, and love like if everyone believed. I stand unbroken, my eyes are open, my great awakening. The truth is spoken, my eyes are open to this great awakening.”
Ang Naglikha Collective Participating Artists: -Banwa -Benedict Santacruz -Chap Saguinsin -Cindy Aquino -Christian Baylosis -Carpini -Djinn Tallada -Danold Lantingco -Roman Soleno -Tamara Go