Collection: Intransigent | July 2021
To build a home, the one not easily destroyed, the family must rely on the foundation from which the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and the roofs re constructed. It should not be made of straw or sticks, easily get broken by forces beyond our control. More often than not, a Filipino father, whose heart is made out of bricks, provides this foundation for the growth, protection, and stability of the family.
Being a steadfast element of a household, however, is not an easy job.Society expects a father to withstand all odds, sometimes, to the point oflimiting him to stay as rigid as a wall that's never bending. At the core ofbeing a father is a human being, a gentleman. This demand of thecommunity to always have the father restrict his gentleness can also bewhy a home is fragile. Little do we know that vulnerability can live withfortitude.
The Grey Space PH Art Gallery invited Filipino artists to show both therobustness and the gentleness of a Filipino father in their works. In anonline exhibit called "INTRANSIGENT," we will put all their works on displayand sale from June 19th to July 3rd, 2021. The exhibit hopes for moreunderstanding towards fathers who have been forced to constantlyappear inflexible.