Hello: A Monster and Inner Demons in Mind
Monster is the theme of this group exhibit and this challenges artist to reflect about their impression of monster on their own point of view. And according to psychology today, Monster comes from the Latin word monstrum, meaning something unnatural or unpleasant. They think that monster is the product of malfunction of nature. They are the embodiments of our fears, concerns and anxieties, urgent messengers from the dept of the mind. In fact, Sigmund Freud argued that the monster in our dreams is created by our unconscious mind and reflect our current worries and tears-even those we fail to consciously acknowledge. (The Monsters that Makes Us: Things That Go Bump in the Mind; A.J. Marsden, Ph.D., and William Nesbit Ph.D.)
We all have inner demons whether it’s problems with addiction a traumatic experience, fear of failure or low self-esteem. We all deal with things that eat us from the inside out but inner demons aren’t vague forces of evil, that cause you to do bad things, rather they’re things you’ve been through that you have to sot out process and heal from. To face your demon means confronting your fears, you are better, stronger and wiser person.
Human nature has been a controversial and quarrelsome topic since about the beginning of our existence. Are humans born inherently good? Are they born inherently bad? Or is their nature completely shaped by the world around us?
We have to turn back to Eastern Philosophy to answer the nature of humanity and one of the first philosophers to tackle this subject was Mencius in the early 300 BC. Mencius was much of the belief that human were born with the nature of goodness. When he states this his thought is that human have innate predispositions toward the virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom. Possessing these virtues, in Mencius mind was essential to a life well-lived. And he didn’t think these values came from society or outside world. He thought that we were all born with these so-called sprouts of virtue.
All these inner demons aren’t bad, they have good intentions for you, their trying to help and protects us on what we are feeling. It is through loving and embracing this part of you; resolve and aid you to heal from these inner demons.
Just like what artists Brent Tejada explain about the idea of the exhibit he said. “Show me your demons. Show me what you really are. Show me what’s really behind that beautiful façade of yours. I know you are just pretending. Show me what you really are. Be bare. Be bold.”
Alyssa Bartoline
Angelica So
Brent Tejada
Celine Policarpio
Chet Eriel A. Solis
Don Verano
Elias Pernecita Jr.
Gab Colico
JC Peñaflorida
Jesse Camacho
Vince Tarun